Maximum air quality in Gmp office buildings

At Gmp, our buildings are not simply office buildings. For us, they are spaces for meetings, collaboration, teamwork and innovation. In these environments, now more than ever, our priority is the health and well-being of users and air quality is a key factor in achieving this goal.

This is why Gmp has implemented an advanced air filtration and purification system in the general HVAC installation for all its buildings. This system makes it possible to achieve hospital-standard air quality.

The main features of these systems are as follows:

  • SIPAP® Active Polarization Systems. Powerful F7/F9 active polarization filters remove suspended small particles, aerosols, microorganisms and VOCs.
  • SFEG® Photocatalysis Filtration and Purification Systems. One of its main functions is to reduce the microbial load. UVGI light and powerful photocatalysis reduce the risk of contamination by chemical compounds NOx, VOCs, SO2, etc. and destroy the DNA and RNA of microorganisms.
  • F9 level filters have been installed in all air treatment systems.

Installing these systems has a direct CSR (ESG) impact thanks to its positive environmental and social effect.


The benefits of the air filtration system on the health and well-being of users

This innovative system has a direct effect on the health and well-being of people in buildings by reducing suspended particles, biological agents (bacteria and fungi), volatile organic compounds and chemical pollutants. This, in turn, reduces the incidence of cyclical diseases, rate of hospitalizations and improves the health and safety of the users of our office buildings.

Endorsed by a European R&D initiative funded by the Center for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI), this system eliminates 99% of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and bacteria, and 97% of fungi.

We deliver a healthy work environment to our corporate clients in our buildings, which promotes well-being and has a direct impact on employees:

  • Increasing productivity.
  • Improving cognitive functions.
  • Mitigating the transmission of contagious diseases.
  • Reducing sick leave rates.
  • Positioning the tenant company as people-centred.
  • Optimising talent attraction

How to improve energy efficiency of buildings thanks to air filtration systems

The air filtration solutions installed generate energy savings in building air conditioning. The system has lower air resistance than traditional filters and, therefore, less energy is needed to achieve the required ventilation flow rates.
Improved energy efficiency in buildings, reduces the carbon footprint and increases the service life of HVAC installations.

Other measures to improve the air quality of our office buildings

In addition to this advanced air filtration system, Gmp has implemented a plan of measures to improve indoor air quality through:

  • Installing purification systems that disinfect and renew air more frequently and efficiently in all restrooms and elevators.
  • Maximising the supply of outside air by optimising the regulation of ventilation systems in accordance with current regulations.
  • Implementing an innovative air quality monitoring system in the buildings. Through which a constant flow of information is maintained on temperature, relative humidity, carbon dioxide, PM 2.5 suspended particles and total volatile organic compounds (TVOC).

At Gmp we continue to move forward towards fulfilling our commitment to what matters most to us: the health and well-being of the users of our buildings.


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