Workspaces for millennials and generation Z

Millennials have been the generation that has led unprecedented change in the world, and they are the ones who have defined the rules that govern new work environments.

Millennials currently make up 35% of the workforce and it is estimated that by 2030 this percentage will rise to 75%.

This evolution is driving significant changes in the way office buildings and workspaces are conceived. New generations have very high expectations of what their working environments should be like, and it is essential that office buildings are tailored to their tastes and preferences in order for them to value them.

These are some of the key features to create attractive working environments for these generations:

  • Flexible Design: Office buildings should offer flexible spaces that can be easily adapted to different needs and activities. This can include open work areas or modular meeting rooms that allow users to choose the environment that best suits their work task and preferences at any given time.
  • Integrated Technology: Technology plays a crucial role for these generations, so office buildings must be equipped with advanced technological infrastructures. This includes high-speed connectivity, smart automation systems and mobile apps that facilitate their day-to-day life in the building.
  • Collaborative Spaces: Millennials and Generation Z value collaboration and the exchange of ideas. Office buildings should include collaborative workspaces that encourage interaction between users such as informal meeting areas, areas that invite rest and relaxation, or common areas for events and social activities.
  • Well-being and sustainability: Well-being and sustainability are important values for these generations. Office buildings should prioritise the comfort and health of users, offering outdoor spaces, green areas or gyms. In addition, workspaces should focus on natural or circadian lighting and air-conditioning systems that offer maximum indoor air quality. In addition, these generations value buildings that incorporate sustainable construction practices and energy efficiency to minimise their environmental impact.
  • Connections and Mobility: Millennials and Generation Z value mobility and the transportation network to their workplace. Office buildings should be located in areas with easy access to public transport and sustainable mobility options, such as bike stations and electric vehicle parking.

In short, office buildings designed to meet the needs of millennials and Generation Z should be flexible, technologically advanced, with collaborative and leisure spaces that encourage creativity. Likewise, to promote the dynamic and attractive work environment demanded by these future generations, buildings must be sustainable spaces, focused on the wellbeing of users and easy to access and connect.


The importance of the Facility Manager and his customer-centric approach in office buildings


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