Workspaces for millennials and generation Z

Millennials have been the generation that has led unprecedented change in the world, and they are the ones who have defined the rules that govern new work environments.
If you have ever wondered what smart buildings are or heard the term smart building without knowing what it refers to, this article tells you what they are and how they work.
In January 2024, Castellana 81 has renewed its WELL Gold certification, verifying that the design, construction and operation of the building has actively maintained the distinction, ensuring its continued commitment to the health and well-being of people.
Our building at Luchana 23 has been awarded the AIS Award for Excellence in the Built Environment before 2010, granted by the Foundation for Accessibility and Social Responsibility...
On 14 September we obtained Brain Protected Space certification for our buildings Génova 27, Luchana 23 and Orense 34, awarded by the Fundación Freno al Ictus...

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