Solidarity Christmas: a different way to celebrate

Christmas is a time to celebrate, share, and enjoy with our family, friends, and colleagues. It’s also an excellent opportunity to bring out our more charitable and humane side, taking advantage of this time of year to help those in need.

This applies not only to our personal lives but also in the workplace. There are many ways to celebrate a truly charitable Christmas with initiatives that we can carry out in our companies with the collaboration of employees and customers who will surely be delighted to participate.

Here are just a few ideas for initiatives that can be implemented, combining solidarity and sustainability, to encourage employees, customers, and collaborators to participate and make them protagonists of the charitable Christmas:

  1. Charitable decoration contest. Organize an internal contest for Christmas decoration that rewards the best sustainable creativity. This will motivate employees to decorate their workspaces with ESG values in mind. For each creativity received, the company will make a donation to a charitable cause.

  2. Sustainable gastronomy and local products. If your company usually organizes Christmas events with its employees, choose a sustainable catering option and serve local, proximity-based products. You can find a wide range of suppliers who follow pioneering ethical practices and reduce their environmental impact through their activities. You can also encourage the donation of unconsumed food to local social organizations.

  3. Charitable Christmas party. The funds raised at the party will be allocated to a social cause chosen among all employees.

  4. Create a challenge. It’s an easy and simple way to develop a Christmas charity campaign. You can encourage your company to participate in a challenge in which, once completed, the result will be the contribution of the funds raised to a charitable purpose on behalf of the company.

Charitable Christmas at Gmp 2023

At Gmp, we have been celebrating charitable Christmases for years, and in order to extend participation to all employees and clients of our buildings, we launch an action every year in which everyone can participate and contribute.

This year, we are launching the campaign “This Christmas, Sharing is Helping” to collaborate with the Asociación de Autismo Araya in Madrid, a non-profit social initiative that began with the creation of a school for people with autism.

Our goal is to raise funds to renovate their playground, which has deteriorated over time, and turn it into a leisure and learning space for the 111 students at the center.

To achieve this, we ask users of our buildings to send us their answers to the question: “What advice would you give yourself if you were 10 years old again?” For each piece of advice received, we will donate €1 to the school of the Association. The advice can be sent by completing a simple form and will be broadcast on our screen circuit throughout this Christmas period. In addition, we will also allocate the amount of traditional Christmas gifts to this charitable initiative.

Because no one enjoys the Christmas season more than children, and we want them to be the protagonists of this Christmas.


#RetoPichón: an action for companies based on solidarity, sport and teamwork


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