At Gmp we are committed to creating long-term value in balance with the environment and society, allowing the people who work in and enjoy our spaces to have differential experiences.

For this reason, we incorporate environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into our decision-making processes and our business model.

To this end, our main tool is the ESG Strategic Plan 2024 – 2028, which incorporates the most relevant issues identified through dialogue with our stakeholders with the aim of:

  • Driving Gmp’s strategy of excellence through sustainability.
  • Build a superior, differential and relevant positioning.
  • Creating value for stakeholders.
  • Strengthen the culture of sustainability and its transversality in the team.

The Plan is articulated through 11 strategic pillars, which are distributed in the three ESG dimensions, and a total of 69 actions have been defined, which include the main issues that, from our understanding, we believe we can promote:


  • Climate change and decarbonisation: Reducing environmental impact and contributing to the fight against climate change.
  • Sustainable value chain: Improve the level of communication and knowledge of the main actors in the value chain.
  • Biodiversity (Las Colinas): Actions for conservation and sustainable use of ecosystems.


  • Team: Promote a respectful and safe working environment for people and encourage their training.
  • Affected communities: Improve the relationship of Gmp and Las Colinas with their environment and generate a positive impact.
  • Customer and end users: To inform and involve customers and users in the sustainability strategy.


  • Business conduct: Integrating sustainability into the group’s strategy and organisational structure.
  • Sustainable financing: Adoption of ESG criteria to support the Group’s financing process and prioritise its investments.
  • Communication: Improve external communication and avoid greenwashing.
  • Reporting: Respond to new regulatory requirements.
  • Internal management of information through IT tools: Technology to facilitate management and handling of information related to the management and handling of information related to sustainability.

Our commitment to ESG management is supported and involved by senior management, who define the objectives, plans and policies. Therefore, the Board of Directors is the highest governance body responsible for ESG management, as reflected in the Group’s ESG policy. At the same time, the Board delegates to different committees to ensure the correct implementation of policies and plans, especially the Audit, Compliance and Sustainability Committee and the ESG Committee.

On the other hand, we have complementary policies and systems in place to ensure transparency and reinforce the achievement of key commitments:

ESG in diferent fields











For us, it is essential to understand and respond to the expectations and needs of our stakeholders. To identify relevant issues, we have developed a dual materiality study that addresses not only how our activities affect society and the environment (impact materiality), but also how ESG risks and opportunities affect our corporate performance (financial materiality). The study consists of:


  • Review of previous materiality analysis. 
  • Review of stakeholder mapping.


  • Identification of positive impacts and their significance and likelihood.
  • Identification of negative impacts and their severity and likelihood.


  • Identification of risks for Gmp.
  • Identification of opportunities for Gmp.


  • Prioritisation of the impacts, risks and opportunities identified. 
  • Homogenisation of the results on the scale determined. 

In the preparation of this study, 12 material issues were identified, the prioritisation of which is reflected in the following matrix:


Committed to the SDGs

Our ESG Strategic Plan incorporates the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations, specifically, our activity contributes to the fulfilment of:

During the materiality analysis update, each of Gmp’s 12 relevant topics were linked to the corresponding Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as detailed in the Company’s ESG Report.

Integrated Management System

At Gmp we have had triple certification from AENOR for an Integrated Quality, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety Management System since 2009. We were the first Spanish real estate company to obtain it in the activities of:

  • Acquisition, sale, rental and management of the maintenance, refurbishment and upkeep of office real estate assets. Management
    of the provision of ancillary services associated with these assets
    (security, cleaning, receptionists, gardening).
  • Operation and management of parking services.
  • Marketing and management of MEETING PLACE.

In February 2024, we renewed these certifications until 2027 in accordance with the UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015 “Quality Management Systems”, UNE-EN-ISO 14001:2015 “Environmental Management Systems” and UNE-EN-ISO 45001:2018 “Occupational Health and Safety Systems” and we maintain our differential position as the only Spanish real estate company to hold them.

The Integrated Management System represents Gmp’s commitment to continuous improvement as a strategic value and management model for our company.

Top management actively participates in the annual Management Review, as well as in the six-monthly Management Review, ensuring genuine involvement and constant monitoring of the System.

Likewise, we actively disseminate the Integrated Policy of the Integrated Management System, which establishes that quality, the environment and occupational risk prevention are everyone’s responsibility, so this policy must be taken into account in all the company’s activities and decisions.

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