El plan Estratégico de Descarbonización 2030 supone un espaldarazo al compromiso de Gmp con la mitigación del cambio climático y la creación de espacios medioambientalmente sostenibles.

Climate change is one of the biggest environmental, social and economic challenges facing humanity. At Gmp we have a Policy against climate change whose purpose is to define and establish the principles and criteria that govern our actions against climate change, including, among others, the following priority lines of action:


  • Continue to quantify the carbon footprint and expand the scope.
  • Focus on energy efficiency in both facilities and equipment. Examples of actions: replacing old models with more efficient HVAC systems, installing photovoltaic panels, changing to LED lighting. 
  • Promoting sustainable mobility by making improvements in buildings. Examples of actions: installing charging points for vehicles, bicycles and electric scooters, improvements in car parks. 


  • Work on continuous management of both physical and transitional climate risks and take advantage of
    opportunities associated with climate change. Examples of actions: access to green finance and public subsidies.
  • Adopt adaptation measures to combat water stress, mitigate severe events. Examples of actions: using water-efficient appliances and systems.
  • Promote green spaces.

Circular economy:

  • Adopt measures to promote a circular economy developing a strategy for transition to a circular economy model.
  • Control the traceability of waste and use materials efficiently.


  • To achieve the targets set in the Carbon Neutrality Plan for the properties, including spaces under the
    Company’s operational control and that of customers through communication and collaboration strategies.

As a preliminary step to the development of the Climate Change Policy, Gmp analysed the risks and opportunities arising from climate change applicable to its business. The analysis focused on asset management and promotion and development activities, for which climate risks were identified and assessed, including analysis of climate scenarios and 3 time horizons ranging from the present to the year 2080.



As part of our commitment to sustainable and efficient management that contributes to mitigating the adverse effects of climate change, we strive to help achieve climate neutrality in Spain by 2050 and, to this end, we have set ourselves the goal of obtaining measurable results well before that date.

Since 2019, we have been neutral in Scope 2 carbon emissions, through the acquisition of 100% of electricity from renewable sources, both for our corporate headquarters and for the communal and private areas of the buildings we control directly.

In 2020, we made a commitment to develop a 2030 Strategic Decarbonization Plan, and, by the end of that year, we achieved carbon neutrality for all direct control Scope 1 and 2 emissions in the portfolio. Maintaining this commitment for the following years.

The ambition of the Plan goes further, with a commitment to achieve a minimum reduction of 69% by 2030 for Scope 1 and 2 emissions compared to 2017, as well as to collaborate very closely with clients so that they can reduce, and offset emissions derived from their activity in the private space of their offices.

The 2030 Decarbonization Strategic Plan is a further endorsement of Gmp’s commitment to climate change mitigation and the creation of environmentally sustainable spaces

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