Para Gmp es un objetivo prioritario implantar una política de responsabilidad social eficaz y efectiva, que incluye un plan de acción social orientado a mejorar las condiciones de vida de quienes más lo necesitan.
A priority objective for Gmp is to implement an efficient and effective social responsibility policy, which includes a social action plan aimed at improving the living conditions of those who need it most.
As a result of our social commitment, the Gmp Foundation was created at the end of 2008, a private non-profit organisation whose main objective is to develop actions aimed at direct support, through financial or other contributions, to non-profit organisations which need resources to improve the lives of people with Intellectual Disability and/or Acquired Cerebral Damage (ACD), Alzheimer’s and Cerebral Palsy, and thus achieve real and effective social inclusion.
In order to achieve this objective, the Gmp Foundation defines and implements strategies and action plans aimed at human and social promotion, which contribute to achieving a future with greater opportunities and possibilities for these groups, paying special attention to children.
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