At Gmp we are firmly committed to maintaining and promoting honest, ethical and transparent behaviour in our activities. We have an anti-corruption and anti-fraud policy that strongly condemns any conduct that could be deemed acts of bribery or corruption, prohibiting any type of corrupt conduct that could influence decision-making by third parties.

This policy strengthens the Money Laundering Prevention System, which aims to maintain the organisational structure, policies and internal control procedures necessary to comply with the obligations established in current legislation on the prevention of money laundering and the financing of terrorism. The Money Laundering Prevention Manual constitutes the basic document of this system, describing the prevention policies and procedures adopted and the organisational model, thus complying with current legislation

Al enviar tu Currículum Vitae, Gmp Property SOCIMI S.A. tratará tus datos para gestionar tu candidatura y, en su caso, incluirla en futuros procesos de selección que puedan ajustarse a tu perfil. En caso de que quieras revocar tu consentimiento o ejercitar los derechos reconocidos por la normativa de protección de datos puedes escribirnos a Si deseas más información en relación con el tratamiento de tus datos personales en los procesos de selección, consulta nuestra Política de privacidad para candidatos.