Business decisions and actions must be channelled towards the lawful profit of the Gmp Group and must not be motivated by personal considerations or relations or private interest of any kind. Management of conflicts of interest is provided for under article 21 of the Company Bylaws and in its Code of Conduct, where we stipulate that situations that could lead to a conflict of interests should be avoided. Moreover, there is an obligation to communicate the existence of any potential conflicts of interest, when they are known, and refrain from attending and intervening in any deliberations and voting on matters whenever there is a personal interest.

At Gmp we have several committees comprising professionals that must be superintended in order to ensure that no personal interest overrides the Company’s interest, the most important of these being the Executive Committee. Moreover, the Board of Directors Regulations regulate any conflicts of interests that could affect directors.

Al enviar tu Currículum Vitae, Gmp Property SOCIMI S.A. tratará tus datos para gestionar tu candidatura y, en su caso, incluirla en futuros procesos de selección que puedan ajustarse a tu perfil. En caso de que quieras revocar tu consentimiento o ejercitar los derechos reconocidos por la normativa de protección de datos puedes escribirnos a Si deseas más información en relación con el tratamiento de tus datos personales en los procesos de selección, consulta nuestra Política de privacidad para candidatos.