Desde Gmp trabajamos en la protección, el respeto al medio ambiente y en el uso eficiente de los recursos y procesos, a lo largo de toda la cadena de valor.

At Gmp, we work to protect and respect the environment and the efficient use of resources and processes throughout the value chain.

Aware of the importance of responsible consumption and increasing circularity within our activity, we have defined a circular economy strategy that covers everything from the services offered in buildings to the design and construction of new developments that minimise their environmental impact.

To optimise the consumption of resources and promote the return of raw materials to the production cycle, our strategy focuses on:

  • Setting environmental criteria in the acquisition and development of new assets seeking to acquire environmentally sustainable and energy efficient buildings.
  • Prioritising eco-designed products and their purchase and acquisition.
  • Promoting the use of communal spaces in our buildings, fulfilling SDG 11 on sustainable cities and communities, in order to make the best use of the facilities.
  • Maintaining sustainability certifications, such as LEED and WELL, and obtaining new certifications that drive circular economy measures, such as Zero Waste.
  • Improving the eco-efficiency of buildings, mainly through preventive maintenance and replacing equipment with more efficient models.
  • Optimal water consumption management, implementing water-saving measures and rolling out awareness campaigns on rational water use.
  • Minimising the production of waste and improving its final treatment.
  • Encouraging recycling in refurbishment works by providing containers and packaging to segregate each type of waste and facilitate its final management.
  • Maintaining containers in the buildings and our corporate office to segregate waste cardboard, paper, plastic packaging, glass, organic matter, batteries, WEEE and fluorescent bulbs. In addition to monitoring this segregation periodically and promoting recycling awareness.
  • Eliminating the use of single-use plastics in our offices and meeting centres, called MEETING PLACE.
  • Encouraging the use of the Gmp Smart app as a tool to promote sustainable activities and behaviour among our customers.
  • Developing a training and awareness-raising plan to raise awareness of the importance of natural resources and the need to develop effective and responsible management.
  • Prioritising local suppliers of services and materials to reduce the carbon footprint generated by transportation.

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